Friday, November 10, 2006

HPV Vaccine

HPV (human papilloma virus) is an STD that in women can cause abnormal pap smears, pre-cancerous changes of the cervix, and if untreated, can ultimately cause cervical cancer. Gardasil is a new and heavily marketed product, a vaccine against the HPV virus. Highly effective against the sub-types of HPV known to cause cervical cancer, this medicine can save lives. The protocol requires 3 injections over a 6 month period of time.

Doctor Distress
The cost of one dose of vaccine to a private practice doctor is $120 per dose. The insurance reimbursement is about $60! So, I lose $60 for every dose of vaccine I dispense. And, due to PPO contracts, it is illegal to bill the patient for the difference. Tell me another industry where the seller who wants to sell something gets paid half of the cost of the item! This is ridiculous and frustrating.

I am trying my best to run a medical practice, and now I am faced with losing money on a service, or maybe instead, I will choose not to provide it at all. Or, I will give the patient a prescription, make her take it to a pharmacy, have her bring the medicine to me so we can administer the shot. That’s efficient.

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